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Solid Rock Fellowship
is a community of Christians who desire to build their lives on the solid rock of scriptural obedience, helping the believer and skeptic alike to understand what the bible teaches, and why it is reliable.

Throughout history, gathering places have served as hubs for diverse ideas and discussions. From ancient Greek agora to Enlightenment-era salons, these spaces have facilitated healthy dialogue among individuals with differing perspectives. In that same tradition, Solid Rock Fellowship stands as a modern-day gathering place, fostering respectful and engaging conversations with those who may not share our belief in the Bible. We believe that through open dialogue and mutual respect, we can grow together in understanding and empathy.


But our mission doesn't stop there. We are committed to helping believers grow in their faith by providing teachings rooted in sound doctrine. Through insightful discussions, Bible studies, and seminars, we equip our members with the knowledge and understanding they need to navigate the complexities of life while staying grounded in their Christian faith.

Whether you're a skeptic seeking answers, a believer looking to deepen your understanding of Scripture, or simply someone curious about Christian apologetics, Solid Rock Fellowship welcomes you with open arms. Join us as we journey together towards a deeper understanding of God's Word and its relevance in today's world.



Christians are not required by any Biblical standard to give money to a religious organization. But rather, as believers, we live as stewards of our God given resources. This means before we spend money or time or any of our resources, we ought to pray. We must determine in prayer  and scriptural  study what is the best use of our resources.

SRFellowship is committed to the spreading of the Gospel and the making of disciples. Every donated dollar we spend must be in direct alignment with those goals. Anyone, donor or stranger, has a right to question where our money comes from and where it goes. Accountability.

You can not earn more favor with God by giving money. You can not purchase miracles. You can not buy your salvation or closeness with God. Jesus has purchased that with his blood. A sacrifice once and for all time.


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